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Ashbury Primary School

School Clubs

A range of extra-curricular clubs are well attended by pupils. Leaders encourage all pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged, to attend.                                           OFSTED December 2019

We are pleased to be able to offer a range of clubs; these vary each term.  Children are invited to share their ideas for clubs each academic year and we do our best to run these clubs throughout the year.

Examples of the clubs that have been on offer are:

  • Young Voices Choir.
  • Computing
  • Science
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Biscuits and Books
  • Junior Duke
  • Various Sports Clubs
  • Cooking
  • Gardening
  • Board Games
  • Table Tennis
  • Circuits

In addition to these clubs, we also have a guitar and drums tutor available on Tuesdays and iRock every Wednesday morning. 

If you are interested in guitar or drumming lessons, please initially contact the school office, who will be able to advise if there are spaces before putting you in contact with the tutor.

iRock can be booked directly by visiting www.irockschool.com, or by completing the below form.

A message from iRock...

iRock Lessons are not only fun but they can massively help develop your child's life skills: boosting confidence, supporting wellbeing, developing social skills and even helping to improve their academic performance'
'My son has been with iRock for three months and is thoroughly enjoying himself. It's been a great way to introduce him to music without committing to an out of school time regular appointment. We particularly enjoy the fact there are regular concerts even though they're still learning the basics, it's great to see.' - Proud Parent.


letter for parents.pdf