Remote Learning - Pupil Support and Wellbeing
mental health in isolation.pdf
nspcc resources for schools mar20.pdf
There are a number of free resources available on
I have linked a few here but there are lots more available.
LEGO - if you have LEGO at home, build a scene showing your favourite memory (if you don't have LEGO - could you draw your favourite memory?).
LEGO - Design a poster explaining the different roles of the Builder, Engineer and Supplier in our LEGO groups.
FRIENDSHIP - can you think of a time you fell out with a friend? Draw what happened as a comic strip. Think about what choices you could have made that might have changed what happened, can you draw a comic strip of what you might do if it happened again?
FRIENDSHIP - what makes a good friend? Draw a picture of one of your friends and label all the things that make them your friend.
MEMORY - play memory pairs, if you don't have a specific set could you design your own, use LEGO mini figure cards or simply use a deck of cards and match red numbers and black numbers.
MEMORY - Arrange a number of objects from your house on a tray or table and cover with a tea towel. Ask a parent or sibling to remove an object (no peeking!) and then try and work out what they have taken.
PHONICS - Use Twinkl resources or BBC Bitesize to practice Phase 3, 4 and 5 phonics.
POSITIVE MINDSET - Take some time to do a peaceful activity like mindfulness colouring or meditation (mindfulness colouring sheets can be found on both ELSA-Support and Twinkl websites). Once you have done this think of a goal you would like to achieve, it might be to learn to ride your bike, tie your laces, or to improve your handwriting. What steps do you need to do to reach your goal? Do you need anything else to help you? Make a plan of how you can try to reach your new goal.