Our Classes

Useful Links

Ashbury Primary School

Remote Learning - Broad Base Resources

These resources either cover a number of year groups and subjects, or are consolidated lists of resources available for families who are learning at home.

Oxfordshire County Council Advice for Supporting Children

Resources for Parents, Carers and Children

Oak Academy

Amazing Educational Resources - a huge range of educational resources has been collated specifically for children who are at home self-isolating or due to school closure. 

Team GB Get active with Team GB and ParalympicsGB, find out more about the history and Values of the Olympic and Paralympic movements, or investigate the science and technology behind sport. Use the filters to find the areas and ages that interest you.

Tiny Happy People from the BBC - tips and advice for parents of children in the EYFS and younger

Hungry Little Minds a government campaign with ideas for younger children.

Chatterpacka collection of lots of resources, ideas and websites to help with remote learning 

BBC Bitesize has a number of resources and games targeted at Primary school children aged 3 to 11 

Teach Live Lessons BBC are also offering Teach Live lessons for Primary aged children 

Twinkl is offering every parent access to all Twinkl resources with a One Month Ultimate Membership, totally free of charge. Setting this up is really easy to do - go to twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter the code PARENTSTWINKLHELPS

Purple Mash All children in Reception to Year 6 have an account for Purple Mash  the log in information is in the front of the exercise books children are bringing home.

The Khan Academy is a free webpage which offer a range of learning from home opportunities 

Planbee have set up online learning sessions free to families

Kids Activities Blog A blog has been created to collate all the educational resources designed for parents and families at home at the current time who are offering free subscriptions