Religious Education
Religious Education Intent
At Ashbury CE Primary School, we promote an inclusive, spiritual environment in which each individual is valued and respected; whatever their background, ability or religious persuasion, children will find themselves able to benefit from the experiences of Religious Education.
RE must be relevant to the needs of our pupils as members of a multicultural, multi-faith society. This means providing opportunities for pupils to understand themselves and others. This is supported through our school ethos which sets high expectations for all pupils in our nurturing and reflective environment.
All children will leave Ashbury CE Primary School having developed their own values and understanding of different religions. Our values-based approach encourages children to think deeply about what they mean to us and others; how to live by the values in our daily lives, helping everyone in our community to be responsible, kind and caring citizens. They will have embedded our 3 core values: Compassion, Perseverance & Responsibility demonstrating these in all aspects of life’s journey.
We believe that RE encourages our children to develop life skills, as well as, knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs and practices; this helps to develop their enquiry, interpretation and analysis skills, to challenge thoughts to develop reasoned opinions based on evidence. By the time children are ready to move on from Ashbury CE Primary School, children will be equipped with powerful knowledge:
- I can put the 6 main world religions on a timeline and talk about their history.
- I know there are links between Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam.
- I know the main beliefs of the Christian and Jewish faith.
- I can describe the main practices of Christian and Jewish believers.
- I know key facts about the beliefs and practices of another world faith.
- I can make my own opinion on faith issues, based on factual knowledge and talk about it.
- RE makes a strong contribution to guide all children.
Matthew 7:7 – Ask and it shall be given unto you; seek and you shall find; knock and the door shall be opened. Using this bible quote, children will develop the skills to be successful lifelong learners. Ashbury CE Primary School aims to give children a wealth of opportunities and skills to flourish through their own development: spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.
Religious Education Implementation
To achieve our aims, lessons are planned to ensure children are challenged and motivated, enhancing their love for learning. Our lessons are cross curricular and links across subjects are made when this is possible. Children are provided with the best resources possible; enabling staff to make lessons practical, engaging and active. We provide constant support for our children and through this engagement all children are able to achieve and reach for their goals with confidence.
Teachers model and instruct on the key skills and share key knowledge for each lesson, then allowing children time to practice, investigate and develop independently, while offering support where needed.
Religious Education supports and strengthens our Christian vision, ethos and values which are at the heart of what we aim to do in every aspect of school life. The importance placed on the development of the whole child spiritually, morally, socially, culturally and intellectually is reflected in the religious education curriculum.
RE Policy RE Programme of Study
Berrycroft Knowledge Organisers Wayland Knowledge Organisers
Ridgeway Knowledge Organisers Ashdown Knowledge Organisers
National Curriculum - Please click here to view the Department of Education guidance for RE in maintained primary schools.
Religious Education Impact
Useful links
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