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Ashbury Primary School

PSHE & Relationships

PSHE Intent

At Ashbury CE Primary School, we teach Personal, Social, Health Education as a whole-school approach to underpin children’s development as people and because we believe that this also supports their learning capacity.

At Ashbury CE Primary School, we will aim to support the rights and responsibilities of the child, promoting British Values.  As well as contributing towards the whole school ethos & values: Compassion, Perseverance & Responsibility – the teaching of PSHE/RSE gives children confidence and skills to make decisions, reflect and make connections to become life-long learners in preparation for our ever changing world.

Our children will understand how to keep themselves safe and know when to seek advice and guidance.

Our children will gain a sense of their own identity and become responsible and compassionate citizens, within a world of differing social, political, cultural and economic backgrounds

PSHE Implementation

At Ashbury CE Primary School, we use a gender equity and human rights framework for RSE.  We take a positive, inclusive and affirmative approach that accepts children’s and young people’s experiences and enables them to be explored sensitively. 

To meet the aims outlined in the DfE Relationships Education, RSE and Health Education Guidance, we will equip our pupils to build positive relationships online and offline. We seek to ensure our curriculum gives pupils the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will help them to:

  • Value their health, wellbeing and dignity.
  • Build self-esteem and self-worth.
  • Accept and value their personal and identity and the personal identities of others.
  • Understand and make sense of the real-life issues they are experiencing in the world around them.
  • Manage and explore difficult feelings and emotions.
  • Consider how their choices affect their own wellbeing and that of others.
  • Develop as informed and responsible citizens.
  • Understand and ensure the protection of their rights throughout their lives. 

High quality, comprehensive RSE does not encourage early sexual experimentation but in fact builds young people’s confidence and self-esteem and helps them understand the reasons for delaying sexual activity.

Evidence shows that effective RSE plays a role in behaviour change, including reducing unprotected or unwanted sex and reducing harmful behaviour, including sexual harassment and sexual violence.

“The curriculum should offer opportunities for pupils to learn to value themselves and their bodies.”

Valuing All God’s Children 2019 p24.

PSHE Policy  PSHE Programme of Study 

PSHE Progression 

Berrycroft Knowledge Organisers Wayland Knowledge Organisers 

Ridgeway Knowledge Organisers Ashdown Knowledge Organisers

 National Curriculum - Please click here to find out more information from the Department of Education about the PSHE programme of study.

PSHE Impact







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