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Ashbury Primary School



History Intent

At Ashbury CE Primary School, we will equip children with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to make connections between the past and how they live now, in order for children to understand how history will shape their future in our ever-changing world.

We will develop children as historians, through high-quality history lessons, enabling children to: develop critical thinking skills; persevere through historical enquiry; understand how to research and gather information; assess the reliability, perspective and authenticity of a source; and understand chronology and patterns through history.

We strive to inspire children to actively explore different periods of time as well as cultures, in order for children to gain a sense of their own identity, and become responsible and compassionate citizens, within a world of differing social, political, cultural and economic backgrounds.

History Implementation

To achieve our aims, lessons are planned to ensure children are challenged and motivated, enhancing their love for learning.  Our lessons are cross curricular and links across subjects are made when this is possible. Children are provided with the best resources possible; enabling staff to make lessons practical, engaging and active.  We provide constant support for our children and through this engagement all children are able to achieve and reach for their goals with confidence. 

Teachers model and instruct on the key skills and share key knowledge for each lesson, then allowing children time to practise, investigate and develop independently, while offering support where needed.

History Policy  History Programme of Study 

History Progression 

Berrycroft Knowledge Organisers Wayland Knowledge Organisers 

Ridgeway Knowledge Organisers Ashdown Knowledge Organisers

National Curriculum - Please click here for more information about the history programme of study from the Department of Education.

History Impact






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