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Ashbury Primary School

Vision, Values and Aims

Our school vision, 

United in a love for learning, we will grow and succeed together.

 Ashbury CE Primary School is a place to be loved and where everyone loves to succeed; We will consciously create an environment of respect and inclusion, supporting our pupils and adults to “Ask” for help, taking responsibility for their own learning. Everyone will feel united in showing love and compassion in our school community and beyond. They will have the confidence to “seek” new knowledge to help them grow and “knock” with perseverance to open doors of exciting opportunities in our ever changing world.

Matthew 7:7 Ask and it shall be given unto you, Seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened.

Our vision is driven through the scripture Matthew 7:7 and underpinned by the core values of Compassion, Perseverance and Responsibility; we all recognise that through love for one another we can flourish in life (John 10:10).


Mission Statement

Our happy school is supported by a nurturing, safe and challenging environment which allows our children to express their faith and creativity.  Our Christian Values help our children care for one another and understand the importance of their own development and wellbeing.  Through a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum, our children feel confident, motivated and inspired to reach their full potential.  Ashbury CE Primary School is at the heart of the community and together we will grow and succeed.

The School Values of 'perseverance, compassion and responsibility' tie this community together and are evident throughout the school.

Ofsted, December 2019

Who are we?  What are we doing here?  How then shall we live?

siams presentation 2023 24a.pdf


Genesis 6:8-22: Noah and the Flood

noahs ark booklet.pdf

 Spiritual - Despite opposition and adversity, Jesus did not compromise or lose heart in his determination to accomplish his mission. We recognize that sometimes we will face difficulties and personal challenges in life but we know that we can pray for God's help because he has promised never to leave us.

Moral - As the life of Jesus exemplifies, standing for justice and doing what we believe to be right, may not always result in change immediately. Sometimes we may feel discouraged. At our school, we teach that perseverance and endurance are important qualities in developing character.

Social - As a community, we value and celebrate perseverance, encouraging one another consistently to take one step at a time to achieve our goals. We offer a wide range of opportunities for children to volunteer in enterprises and to work with others from a range of ages and backgrounds to foster co-operation and collaboration in problem solving.

Cultural - We aim to foster a culture that recognises that 'quick wins' are not always possible and are often not sustainable. We believe that the principle of 'training well' is usually more fruitful in building character than 'trying harder'. We actively seek out contemporary as well as historical role models who have achieved their goals through persevering, even in the toughest of circumstances.



John 6:1-14: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

jesus feeds the 5000 booklet.pdf

Spiritual - Jesus' works of healing were always rooted in his compassion for others. In the story he told which is known as the Good Samaritan, the compassion shown is directed toward someone totally unexpected. Jesus was making the point that we are called to care for those outside our own cultural or social circle as well as our friends and family.

The literal meaning of the word 'compassion' suggests suffering with or alongside someone else. In developing character, we encourage an attitude of empathy and understanding of others, trying to imagine what it is like to stand in the shoes of another.

Moral - We try to explore what it means to live out Jesus' teaching, exemplified in the command to do to others as you would have them do to you. (Matthew 7.12) This is sometimes known as The Golden Rule and underpins all our relationships and our behaviour policy.

Social - As a community, we try to share one another's burdens and to help everyone to know that struggling and failure are not signs of weakness but opportunities to learn more about ourselves and others, and to grow as an interdependent family.

We actively look out for opportunities to support charities and good causes that improve the quality of life for people in our own country and the wider world.

Cultural - We recognise that our nation has, throughout its history, offered a safe place for those fleeing persecution and disaster. We celebrate the rich diversity that this has brought to our culture and seek to play our part in offering a welcome to all those joining our school community especially anyone in any kind of need.



bags of money responsiblity booklet.pdf


Christian Values

As a Church of England School, our Christian Values underpin all that we do.  We focus on 6 values each academic year.  We display this value in our school hall and add pupil voice, quotes, bible quotes and other related work throughout the term.  Children reflect on each value, developing an understanding of each value and how they link to their own life journey.

Our values are the foundation of everything we do in school - our 3 core values being Compassion, Responsibility and Perseverance.  These values create our school culture and ethos, helping our whole school community strive to be the best we can be.

Our values are the foundation of our Relationship Policy and we use this to talk with children about their actions, through restorative discussions.  Children are then able to make informed decisions about the future following our school values in school and at home.

Christian Values Calendar

We use Roots and Fruits Collective Worship with the following values.

 Generosity Compassion Courage Forgiveness Friendship Respect Thankfulness Trust Perseverance 

Justice Service Truthfulness 


 Character Map

character map.pdf