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Ashbury Primary School

Wayland Class

Welcome to Wayland Class

Pupils enjoy learning and behave well. In lessons, pupils listen carefully to their teachers.

OFSTED December 2019
Wayland is a mixed class of pupils in Year 1 and Year 2. Our teachers are Mrs Timms & Mrs Baker.  We have a bright, colourful and spacious classroom with good access to our outside learning space.

Meet the Teacher 2023-2024

wayland meet the teacher 2024 2025 .pdf



Daily Routine

8:30 - Door Opens

8:35 - Door Closes

8:35 - Registration & Morning Activities

9:00 - Assembly

9:20 - Lesson 1

10:10 - SPAG lesson

10:30 - Break 

10:45 - Lesson 2

11:35 - Guided Reading

12:00 - Lunch

1:00 - Lesson 3

2:00 - Lesson 4

3:00 - Home time

Acts of Worship

Monday - Roots & Fruits Values Worship

Tuesday - Small Group Worship 

Wednesday - Key Stage Worship

Thursday - Collective Worship - Please feel free to join us for this assembly!

Friday - Celebration Worship

Long Term Planning

Please click on the buttons below for an overview of what will be taught in Ridgeway Class over a 2 year rolling programme.

Year A Year B 


wayland timetable term 3 2024.pdf



Term 1 - Knowledge Organiser.pdf

Term 1 - Topic Web

Home Tasks

Year 1

  • Children will read to someone at home at least 5 times in the week and this will be signed in the reading record.
  • Children are expected to read their phonics book 3 times before it will be changed.
    1. Decoding the words in the book
    2. Fluency reading the book
    3. Answering Comprehension questions as the child is reading the book to ensure they have a good understanding of what they have read.
  • To read for pleasure – these books can be found on the Bug Club Website – all children will be given a log in at the beginning of each year. This will be stuck in the front of their reading record.
  • To practice the phonics sounds of the week, along with any tricky words that the teacher has identified for the children.
  • To share a book with an adult reading to the child.

Year 2

  • Children will read to someone at home at least 5 times in the week and this will be signed in the reading record.
  • Children will complete the Comprehension Question found on the Google Classroom stream – children will comment below this question each week. Questions will be posted on a Tuesday and discussed in class the following Monday.
  • Parents can support their children further by using the Reading comprehension questions that have been shared by their class teachers at the beginning of each academic year.
  • Children will read their knowledge organisers and throughout each term, they will know more and remember more using the information found in this organiser. Each term, teachers will share the knowledge organisers on Google Classroom.



  • To continue to foster a love of books and realise why it is so important to be able to read independently.
  • Phonics should be the prime approach to reading.
  • To continue to participate in book talk.
  • To identify different genres e.g. stories, poetry, non-fiction/information.
  • Children are encouraged to read individually to an adult daily.
  • In school we hear each child read 3 times a week. They may change their book every day.
  • Recognise High Frequency words by sight.


Good handwriting remains fundamental to children's educational achievement even though most of their future correspondence in adult life will be typed! 

Correct letter formation and orientation is demonstrated in an active way. We use a variety of media for handwriting to consolidate letter formation such as sand, paintbrushes, gel boards and chalk. 

Children in Year 2 will be taught how to join their handwriting.


  • Children will learn in groups, as a whole class and independently using White Rose Maths/selecting maths resources during play.
  • Maths remains practical and active.
  • Children learn to record their work independently.
  • Focus on reasoning, applying knowledge and solving challenges.


By the time children join Wayland class they have formed an understanding of a sentence and most become able to compose simple sentences that convey meaning.

In our class this is built upon and children learn to write in a variety of genres.

Children use their phonic knowledge and sight words independently.


 Termly Spellings - These spellings your child needs to know by the end of the year, but will be tested regularly throughout the year.

Year 1 and 2 Spellings

Year 2 Spellings: 

Focus 5 Spellings - Following the Jane Considine Spelling Scheme children will become spelling detectives looking for patterns in spellings.  Each child will have 5 focus spellings that they will focus on.  Staff in school will be looking out for accurate use of these spellings before updating to new words to challenge your child.

Click here for further information 

How can you help?

Ask your child what they have been learning today at school - if they just say 'playing', ask them if they have used the computer, talked to a partner, counted etc.

Please listen to them read every day - little and often - it should be fun not a chore.

Help them with their spellings/phonics.

Praise independence, good manners, turn taking and listening skills.

Encourage learning maths using real-life contexts at home.

Let us know if you have time to help in school!

Forest School

Forest School takes place every Friday.  Wayland pupils should bring appropriate clothes to change in to for this session along with waterproofs and wellies.

Keep Up To Date

We use Bromcom to communicate with parents and carers. We also use Bromcom for paid trips, meals and clubs.

We publish newsletters each term.