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Ashbury Primary School


Ashbury School is a small rural primary school and whilst this is first and foremost a Church of England Aided Primary School, the Governors and staff warmly welcome all children to the school.

Traditionally children have been drawn from the parishes of Ashbury and Compton Beauchamp, which include Knighton, Odstone, Idstone and Kingston Winslow.

The Christian ethos of the school, the facilities, the small teaching groups, the high standards and the excellent OFSTED and SIAMS reports have attracted children from other areas. Parents are free to opt for their choice of school if there is space available.

For further details, including our over-subscription criteria, please download our Admissions Policy, or contact the the school office who will be happy to arrange a visit or answer any questions you may have.

For parents of children born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019 who will be starting school in September 2023, Oxfordshire County Council offer online admission applications here: https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/residents/schools/apply-school-place/infant-and-primary-school For all other admissions, please refer to our policy below.

Useful documents:

Ashbury School Admissions Policy Year 2022/23 

Ashbury School Admissions Policy Year 2023/24

Ashbury School Admissions Policy Year 2024/25


Should you wish to object please write to the Schools
Adjudicator noting your objections, by email
osa.team@osa.gsi.gov.uk, or by post - Office of the Schools
Adjudicator, OSA, Bishopsgate House, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 5QE

PDF icon Ashbury School Appeals Timetable (Download as a PDF)

Our Catchment Area: