Little Berries Preschool Admissions are organised internally, following our admissions policy.
If you would like to apply for a place please complete our enrolment form. If you would like to visit our setting, please contact the school office on: 01793 710259.
Please note that coming to Little Berries Preschool does not give your child automatic admission to Ashbury with Compton Beauchamp CE (A) Primary School. You will need to apply through the Local Authority, before the middle of January that your child is due to start school, the following September.
Please see our Admissions policy for further information or visit this website:
Applications for places at Little Berries Preschool can be made on an enrolment form available from the School Office. These may be submitted at any time after a child’s second birthday. The order in which they are received does not affect the admissions procedure outlined in our school admissions policy.
Click here to download Little Berries Application Form
Dates on which Preschool Places will be Offered
Little Berries Preschool takes children in on a term-by-term basis, and places are offered by the end of the first half of the term before their entry date. Therefore, if you are successful in gaining a place you will be notified before May half term to start in September, October half term to start in January, February half term to start in Term 5.
If an application is received after an admissions meeting for the next term’s intake and the child is of preschool age, then he/she will be ranked according to our admissions policy and offered a place dependent upon a place being available once application offers already made have been accepted by dates specified.
Admission is typically the term after the child has turned 3, when funded places commence. However, the earliest possible date of entry is once the child has had their 3rd birthday, earlier admission cannot be considered. Please note that funded places start the term after the child has turned 3, any interim place will be subject to charges as stated above. Please ring school at any time if you wish to make an enquiry as to the progress of your application.